Wednesday, September 22, 2010

They Too Must Be Judged?

Tempers are now kind of cooling, but the feeling that we were robbed is still there. Yes, we still recovering from the shock of ZIFA’s mind boggling choice of a Warriors mentor, but hey, life has to go on. It was yet another reminder that no matter how many times we have shouted ourselves hoarse urging the Warriors on, we the fans are far from calling the shots when it comes to the real issues. How we wish the ZIFA board was voted for in a public election like the Parliament, then we would have a real say. How can the people’s sport be so undemocratic?

Anyway, while we have conceded defeat for now, we still feel that there is still room for poetic justice in this whole thing. Ok, now we are pinning our hopes that those that call the shorts are more Zimbabwean than just holding passports that say so. We hope that there is some shade of wisdom in their appointing someone that pretenders to the Warriors throne called Namibia are disposing of. There is some semblance of sober mind that’s asking us not to speak too soon about the hairy one from Belgium since in Shona we say ungangoshora mbodza neinozvimbira. Being the Warriors supporters that we are, we sometimes have to do away with logic and support whoever pretends to direct the guys in green and gold. But that doesn’t mean that we are letting it seize and settle just like that. No, not when the stakes are this high! We have a demand to make!

Here is our line of thinking: everyone ought to stand up to the decisions they make, and if they are so confident that is the best course of action, they need to commit. You don’t just make such a key decision about the People’s decision, unless you are convinced it is for the best. We will what this Saintfiet is made of on the field of play, as early as next month when Cape Verde visits. Events will judge him, and his appointees, as usual, will have the luxury to fire him if they so wish, and possibly recall Mapeza to preide over dead rubbers after the foreigner has ensured we throw away enough points to miss our on the Big Guys’ showcase again.

We can’t continue to let those who have the somehow exclusive right to spend national resources on bringing Failures here continue to dilly dallying with our hearts without consequences. They too must be judged. Let’s call on them to back their decisions by committing to resign from the ZIFA Board if this Belgian experiment of theirs cost us a chance to dance with the best at the Cup of Nations in Gabon and Equatorial Guinea. We have admitted, no one would guarantee that Mapeza was definitely going to take the Warriors there, but neither can this Tommy guy. So, someone ought to have seen something in him the rest of us cant that he should be willing to bet their specials on this. So, let’s have it Selection Sub Committee! Let Saintief take us to AFCON 2012, or your seats at the Board become vacant.

If we could have even just one or two of our football leaders making such commitments, we would be miles ahead. The major problem is that these ZIFA people do not account to the people that matter. The ones who fork out hard earned US Dollars to watch our beloved Warriors hunt in the African Jungle. The ones whose diaphragms ache after ninety minutes of vuvuzela blowing, the ones whose voices go hoarse shouting for goals, the ones whose water ZINWA has shut after we ran up a huge bill cleaning up our faces which we had painted in red, gold, green, white and black. These are the people who make bets with their sweat each time the Warriors line up, and they deserve some sort of respect, especially from those who consistently break their hearts with some selfish and misguided decisions.

1 comment:

  1. it feels good to side with the crowd the temptation is great that i blast Zifa and support Norman after all he is of my own flesh and blood above all his skin is as dark as mine. It feels good to have a brother a young one for that matter having a chance to lead our warriors especially when the brother has led it before as a player.

    But is it the right thing always to side with the crowd and succumb to mobocracy? NO!My communication skills lecturer used to say even if 100 people agree on something which is wrong it will never make the thing right!

    I think Zimbos should respect institutions and systems the new Zifa Board is trying to set up. Before Saintfiet was there any technical committee set up to select a coach? Before Saintfiet was there any interviews held in Zim for a coach? Before Saintfiet was there a job description of the national coach ever known to the fans? we used to know that a national team coach is a coach fullstop! Before this process did we know that a coach needs five o levels! did we know that the coach draws up the team 4 year plan and drafts concise reports for national development of the game? I think the Zifa board is trying to get us in the right direction and as fans hapana chedu pakusarudzwa kwa coach! Its our money but so what? we dont get fired, insulted or wont win the next election if things go wrong!It is the board that we jeer and sometimes burn and stone their cars kuRufaro Let Zifa do their job lets support the team ndopedu ipapo! If Zifa wanted our opinion vangadai vakaenda kuZEC yoconducter run off between Saintfiet and Saint Mapeza!

    Maradona was appointed national team coach weArgies with some of the best players in the world. This was a hugely popular decision in Argentina but for all the stars Argentina fell like a deck of cards when it mattered most... Now Maradona is jobless and even Aston Villa made fun of his application to be the team manager! The moral lets not overburden vaMapeza nebasa remaWarriors groom him sent him for training in Europe make him in charge of U23 make him qualify for the Olympics let him go through the mill and then make him coach wemaWarriors!

    So I hate Mapeza? So I hate local coaches? So I am obssesed with foreigners... in someone`s word ndirimutengesi a sell out or even a turn coat? Bush once said if u are not with us then u are our enemy! This is the same with Zimbos if u think differently then u are a mercenary and an enemy! I am not! I am just the guy next door who loves footie like.... hameno! I am the guy who actually idolises Mapeza and believe Zimbabwe can polish him into an internationally renowned coach!

    By the way Mhofu is back in Zim taking a break from footie... interesting times.
